Weight of Wood
“To those who love the tree, to those who may be fighting the tree, to the one who plants the tree, to the one who fells it, to the poet who sings to the tree, and to the one who just settles with the joy of the tree.” H.P. Dinesen, Træværk, 1980
Weight of Wood is an exploration into the life of wood through one of its most defining characteristics - its density. Through wood’s weight we can learn about its personality and temperament, we can get a glimpse into the environmental condition it was nurtured under, and we can attempt to bridge the gap between the life of a tree, and wood as a commodity. Exhibited in three parts: Forest, Wood and Human, Weight of Wood explores the role, value and historical weight that wood has on our material life.
The Weight of Wood was developed and designed for Dinesen, and showcased in Copenhagen, Denmark, 2022.